Use Alcohol To Clean it up
In order for a body or a mobile phone casing can clean when washed then you can use the alcohol. Pour alcohol on a cotton bud tissue or cotton. Pour just enough and not too wet so that liquid does not get into the alcohol component alektroniknya, supposing that fluid can enter so there will be surge list. Please also note that when cleaning using a liquid alcohol that you should be careful on mobile phones that have the type of body paint and certain key because it could have the key can fade if exposed to alcohol. Then for Mobile screen should not get in contact with alcohol because there are some mobile phones that have a certain type of screen that is not resistant terdahap liquid alcohol.
Clean Using Soap
In addition to the use of alcohol, you can use soapy water moistened in cotton, tissue or cotton buds and cotton to wipe the casing of your mobile phone screen. After wipe with soapy water to taste, then the next you flush with cotton, tissue or cotton bud cotton wool moistened with clean water so that the soap is left to dissolve. Then laplah using dry tissue so that your mobile phone is no longer there was water.
Using Clean Hand Wash
An easy way to wash the next mobile phone is by wiping with your own hands. The trick is simply to wash your hands with antiseptic soap, then tungguh up your hands in a state of transition between wet and dry alias almost dry. Well, after that you can wipe your phone slowly. Remember, not to wipe the phone when your hands are still wet from the fluid of water that sticks to your hands can come in on a mobile phone component Hp and it can ruin it.